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Trouble Communicating

My daemon only repeats things I know or responds in a sarcastic tone. Is something wrong?

An explanation of why daemons may be sarcastic, cynical, or repetitive.

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I can't hear my daemon

Repost from the FAQ


Lets start with a simple question of can you hear your own thoughts? You may be surprised to know that not everyone has a verbal internal monologue. Or you may be the opposite and you never knew talking to yourself was an actual thing! We all have a stream of consciousness which proves we can have a daemon, and we all have some form of thought processing which confirms we can communicate with a daemon. 


Next, think of how you communicate with yourself. Are your thoughts pure emotions or played out like a silent film? Do you only periodically hear voices while thinking? Knowing how you process thoughts and decisions is step one in communicating with your daemon. From there it just requires more practice on separating and recognizing them.


If you were already communicating with your daemon and they suddenly go contactless it most likely has to do with stress or perhaps you are under the weather. Anything that would normally make you foggy brained or cause trouble focusing is also likely to do the same to your daemon. Give it time and partake in some self-care.


If you are having trouble reconnecting with your daemon after a slump, and you are prone to talking to yourself out loud, go do the activity that makes you do it the most. For me it’s shopping. I talk out loud during the whole trip and without fail mine will respond during the outing.

Trouble Communicating: List
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