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Its nothing new

"Daemon" as a word and concept has been around since ancient times. Here are the different ways we understand and use the word currently.

"Daemon": Headliner


"Daemon": List


The personification of the second half of someone’s mental dialogue or subconscious.

Greek Philosophy

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Spirit, divine, inner genius, and voice that warned but never commanded. Possibly indicated the true nature of the human soul and their newfound self-consciousness.


A spirit who is assigned at birth, watching over each individual as a higher self. After death they guide the soul to Hades.


“Ethos anthropos daimon” - “ Character is fate” or “Character is to man, his daimon.”

Possibly implying that your daimon determined your character and your character determined your fate.


Every human has a daimon inside themselves. The inherent mental power that was intrinsic but latent inside of a human was called their daimon.

  • Intrinsic: Belonging naturally; essential.

  • Latent: Lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation.

Also believed Zeus had gifted a portion of himself to every man as a guardian and guide. This was to be every man’s understanding and reason, their daimon.


Daemons interpret and transport human things to gods and divine things to men.


Intermediary beings located between celestial and terrestrial inhabitants.

Official Definitions

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Greek Daemon/ Daimon

  1. A divinity or supernatural being between gods and humans.

  2. An inner or attendant spirit or inspiring force.

Alternate Use

Archaic spelling of demon.

Computer Terms

A background process that handles request and is dormant when not required.

His Dark Materials

"Daemon": List


The external physical manifestation of a person’s soul/ inner-self that takes the form of an animal.

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