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Other Concepts

and interesting reads

Self-Schema: The beliefs and thoughts people have about themselves in order to organize information about the self. (I found this similar to the meanings we put into our daemon's forms)

Split-Brain Theory: Originally thought that patients who underwent surgery to sever the nerve tract connecting the two hemispheres of the brain would experience a split in their consciousness. New research has been proving it is not that simple or accurate. (I had read somewhere about how the consciousness was two parts, a verbal and nonverbal, and once the hemispheres were split the nonverbal would react and behave independently to the other side. I thought of this as the human and daemon parts of our brains since to me the daemon is the silent part of our mental processing until they are separated from us. Not a perfect theory but the comparison was very exciting to think about.)

Split-Brain: What We Know Now and Why This is Important for Understanding Consciousness

by Edward H. F. de Haan et al

A Longitudinal Investigation of Cognitive Self-schemas across Adolescent Development

by Brae Anne McArthur et al

Self-Schemata and Processing Information About the Self

by Hazel Markus

Other: Files

Last Update November 2023

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