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Daemonism 101

What exactly is a daemon

A type of mental construct whose existence is dependent on a person’s conscious observations and mind. They are the personification of the second half of someone’s mental dialogue or subconscious. Concepts like the split brain, muses, self-talk, and working with the subconscious all can have very daemon-like descriptions and experiences. As well as the multi category theories created by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Often times we can relate our own daemons to new concepts involving the mind because our own daemons reflect many similar defining traits.


Daemons exist as part of your inner monologue. Since they are part of our thoughts they have existed as long as ourselves but typically will have been lacking separation and personification. This can lead to a daemon behaving very similar to ourselves, or for those who have developed strong self-talk methods will already have a unique personality attached to their daemon. Daemons are very personal and the experience can and will change from person to person. This may be because of how naturally varied people’s internal monologues are. In fact, not everyone has a verbal internal dialogue, some may use images or emotions instead.  


Daemons are a very effective means of introspection and exhibit strong affinity towards companionship, guidance, and personal growth. Communicating and working together with their person through advice and support. They will be personalized entirely to their person’s needs and mental health, meant to complement each other and cause as little stress as possible. Their goal is often to mitigate stress and do not look to cause distress or anxiety in their people. They are effective in fighting off intrusive thoughts and promote positive self-talk, love, and respect.


*Please take note that there are other types of daemons and experiences you will see amongst the daemon community, including members who do not have a daemon but are closely tied to the form finding process. This website only covers but a single type (inner monologue) and does not delve into spirituality or plurality as a whole or form finding.

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Last Update November 2023

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