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My daemon only repeats things I know or responds in a sarcastic tone. Is something wrong?

That’s actually quite typical. One thing to keep in mind is if you already know something, or know you should be doing something, a daemon isn’t going to have much of anything new to say on the topic. Repeating what we already know or echoing our own thoughts and opinions is pretty standard for a daemon. They exist from our own thoughts after all so should we be surprised? They know as much as we do, and even if they have a strong connection to our subconscious it still feels like a rare occurrence when they do manage to drag something up we have forgotten. This is why we work to separate them from ourselves, to try and make the echo less noticeable and for their stream of thought to feel more fluid and natural. Less like us, and more like someone else. But really, does the repetition truly end? I say this in good humor as I know my own daemons still repeat what I know on the daily and I will explain why.


My daemons rarely bring new things to light. They are a soundboard for me. We tell each other things we already know, but sometimes having something you already know said by someone else can put new light on it. Make you notice something that was never clicking prior. I don’t expect my daemon’s to have answers. I just expect them to help keep me talking long enough to find the answer. They may be able to dip their feet into my subconscious but it’s rare for them to know or remember something I cannot.


My daemons do not control my body, emotions, or influence me in any way. So for daemons who are able to do all these things and do influence their people into action this may make my own daemons at first glance appear extremely unhelpful. Why do I even have them if they can’t force improvement or change? When I don’t listen to their advice? When they can’t even make me complete a simple task? Well, I’d say anyone who thought that was wrong. They are helpful. Just only in a way that makes sense for me. Its not instant gratification or success or improvement. But they are influencing me exactly in the way I need. They make me happy. They help me process my thoughts and love myself. That is really all I need. So what do you need from your daemon? Are you stuck expecting the same experience as another daemian instead of seeking how you both work together best?

Now in regards to less than favorable behavior. Your daemon is free to express things we cannot. We cannot fight someone or cuss at the top of our lungs when pissed off. We have to be restrained, but our daemons don’t. So they are free to express behavior you have to hold back. Sarcasm you want to throw around but have to hold your tongue. The snark you want to give the world. Whatever it may be. If you can’t express it your daemon may just do it for you.​


Daemons also have their own personalities and these personalities change and grow just like ours do. Some daemons are polite and others are rude. One may be considerate and another blunt. Some may start out meek and later become sarcastic. Or perhaps they will stay blunt or sarcastic their entire existence. But why? What determines a daemons personality and how they talk to us? This will depend on you and I have no solid answer to give. But, I do have some scenarios that you could relate to.


My own daemons' personalities are the outcome of the thought patters they reside over. My internal monologues with myself. Cayde is my sarcastic remarks and quick jabs at myself for doing dumb things while Rhea is my optimistic, problem solver. Tess is just straight up a shot of caffeine sitting on a throne, and lastly Lynnette is my anger and disappointment. These are all very general and minor surface level examples. But you get the point.

So when talking to my daemons I know what kind of answers or advice I am going to receive from them. Some advice will be quite harsh and other comments sugar coated to keep me going. The key factor in how far my daemons go with their behavior is dictated by my mental health. The worse I am the more supportive they may be. Or if the only way to get through the issue is to confront something they will kick me until I do what needs to be done. But this kicking still has it’s limits. My daemons know how far they can go before I break and they will never do or say anything that would compromise my health. If they bring up intrusive thoughts they also bring a solution with it. So, I trust them. If someone is being problematic I know there is a reason and I know I need to work with them to find the solution.


Ah, so there is another reason right there. If your daemon does not instantly take on behavior that is compliant with your mental health and needs there could be a very specific thought pattern influencing them. It is tied very closely to intrusive thoughts, general self-depreciation, and even guilt. If YOU are unhappy with something or yourself your DAEMON will very likely reflect this. If you are avoiding something your daemon WILL know. If you think you are fine and your daemon suddenly becomes hostile or out of character that is a red flag something is not fine. Something needs to be addressed. Internal frustrations leaking through and learning to be kind to yourself are all part of the daemon experience.

So don’t worry too much about if you or your daemon is doing something right or wrong. Instead reflect on what is underneath it all. You may be surprised with what you find. Again, daemons are a relationship and relationships require work. Now while toxic relationships should be nipped in the bud and tossed aside you can’t really do that with a daemon. Your daemon is YOU after all.

Sarcastic repetitive daemon: Text
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