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First time talking with your daemon

Ask yourself a question or a greeting directed at your daemon. What response do you get back? Did you hear a clear reply? A wave of emotion? And odd itch at the back of your mind? When you wonder if you should go to bed or what to make for dinner pay attention to what responds back. Even if this voice sounds like you the more you acknowledge and engage with this voice the more your daemon develops. While I am referencing a "voice" through the rest of this please swap this with whatever is your equivalent (colors, feelings, emotions, etc.).

Worried you are making it all up? Well, with daemons that's alright. Remember your daemon is you after all. What you are doing is becoming comfortable with getting to know yourself and letting it develop into a more recognizable part of your thought process. The more they talk with you and the more they interact with the world the more unique and autonomous they can become. 

I always say follow your intuition. If you think your daemon is saying something but you have a gut feeling that they aren't, and it's more of what you want or is an intrusive thought, then that likely could be the case. In the beginning while you are first learning to separate their voice it can be easy to mix them together with yours (and that's okay!). But the more autonomous and developed your daemon becomes the more you will be able to recognize were your thoughts end and theirs begins.

Starting Out Communication: Text
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