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First time projecting

Expanding on the FAQ answer

You will be using your "mind's eye" to see your daemon, just as you do when reading a book as an example. The way you visualize scenes while reading or how you recall how something looks will be nearly the same for projection. The main difference being that instead of only seeing your daemon in your mind you will also be imagining them overlayed in your surroundings. Some people will see their daemon in their mind's eye as well as pictured into their surroundings, so don't worry about it needing to be one or the other. 

Unless you are someone with hyperphantasia or predisposition to hallucinations your daemon may not be extremely vivid in your mind and will not look solid or feel like a tangible being when projected. You will still see directly through them since they are not a tangible, solid object and thus cannot obstruct your vision. However, with practice it is possible for this projection to become extremely vivid or reach a point your brain tricks itself and overlooks the transparency altogether, treating the projection as if they are a solid object even though you can still see right through them.


Lets start with one of two objects, an apple or an animal you are very familiar with and preferably have touched before. Look closely at a picture of your selection then close your eyes and imagine it in front of you. Focus on its shape and color. Hold that image in your mind and when comfortable turn it so you are viewing it from a different angle. Repeat the same process as needed until you can complete a full turn without breaking the image in your mind.

Next picture yourself touching your selection. Imagine the texture and weight against your hand as you pick it up or press your fingers against it. Is it smooth, rough, furry, cool, or warm? Focusing on these kind of details is what we call tactile projection.

Now lets apply these very same steps but with your eyes open. Focus on a clear space in your surroundings and imagine that apple or animal in it. With more visual noise the image may be far less clear but the objective remains the same, an unbroken image (vividness does not matter) as the apple or animal makes a full rotation. For the tactile projection portion imagine the apple rolling into you or the animal interacting with you instead. You want to focus on the same physical details like texture and weight, but this time you are not reaching towards them.

If you are practicing with projecting fruit have fun going through different types until you feel comfortable creating other objects or animals. If you jumped straight into projecting animals I recommend keeping one animal specifically for practice, but there is no right or wrong with this and you can project any animal you want.

Starting Out Projection: Text

Last Update November 2023

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