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Games and Tricks


​​Recommendations: Say your part out loud and then respond with your internal dialogue. Keep reminding yourself this dialogue is your daemon. As you get more familiar with identifying the way your daemon prefers to communicate/ feels start to say your part in your head as well.

1. Flip a coin. Call out heads or tails. Go with what comes to mind first. You may start to try to give two answers at once in your head rather than taking turns. Keep this up until you can recognize your internal choice vs your daemon’s choice when spoken at once.

2. Place an object inside a solid cup and do the classic shuffle with two other cups. Do this until you lose track. Now ask your daemon to choose one. The more you do this the more I recommend discussing or debating their choice. “Why” is simple yet effective.

3. Classic card games like “High or Low”. Similar to the coin flip but you are forced to wait your turn. Great for if you are constantly having two thoughts at once and can’t tell them apart. You can’t take your turn until you only have one response.

4. Grab a timer for this one. Start with the letter “A” and take turns naming a food that starts with the chosen letter. Keep going back and forth until the timer runs out. The winner is who was last to give an answer. The winner then chooses the next letter. Rinse and repeat. Change the category as you please.


1. Create a journal (traditional or digital) to write out conversations between you and your daemon.

2. Answer questionnaires together. 

3. Create a Dungeons and Dragon's character sheet for your daemon. This helps development and encourages their input.

4. Assemble a playlist that matches your daemons voice or vibes.

5. Create aesthetic boards with their input.

6. Create an alarm or wear a physical reminder to talk to your daemon

Games and Tricks: List

Last Update November 2023

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